Legal cartoons and humorous comment (c) Paul Brennan. All rights reserved.

I decided on 101 reasons as I didn’t want to depress the entire legal profession by having 1,001.
Paul Brennan, Lawyer, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

# 80. They cost money

When you should speak to your lawyer?

Legal cartoon, night court, barristers, Paul Brennan

A good gauge of when you are ready to speak to a lawyer about a legal issue or dispute is that you are awake at 3 in the morning thinking about it.
I know you will say it is alright for people like me who are married to lawyers.  However, we have done the hard yards.  Besides, anyone who has been married to a young lawyer will know they can be very grouchy if they are woken up at 3am.  Although, admittedly we older lawyers are usually just flattered by the attention.
If you are concerned about the money that a lawyer may charge you, I suggest that you plan ahead.  The next time you decide to change your spouse or partner, (for some of you the decision may be thrust upon you), consider choosing a lawyer as a replacement, believe me they are not all bad.  Even if it only lasts a few months he or she will be able to help with your divorce and or property settlement which can be a big saving.

(c) Paul Brennan 2010  practices on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. 

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