Legal cartoons and humorous comment (c) Paul Brennan. All rights reserved.

I decided on 101 reasons as I didn’t want to depress the entire legal profession by having 1,001.
Paul Brennan, Lawyer, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

# 68. On occasion, they could put more effort into revenge

The Charge of the 300 and the 47 Samurai

legal cartoon, barrister, solicitor, Paul Brennan
Last year, when a legal software vendor increased its fees to Queensland lawyers by 300% I expected
an explosive reaction*.   Apart from some lawyers refusing to pay and an impending Law Society report on technology which is a happy coincidence, nothing much has happened.  In fact, another software vendor is, in effect, increasing its fees. 

What did I expect?  Well, something a little more creative.  For instance, in 18th century Japan under severe provocation, a Lord Asano attacked and wounded a Lord Kira.  As the attack took place within the walls of the Shogun’s palace he was ordered to commit suicide, which he promptly did.  His lands were confiscated and his Samurai retainers disbanded. Lord Kira expected an immediate backlash from the Samurai retainers, but none came.

The disbanded Samurai retainers lost their Samurai status and became Ronin. They took up menial tasks; their former Captain left his wife, became a public drunkard and frequented brothels.

Eight months later, 47 Ronin, led by the Captain, attacked Lord Kira’s mansion and finding Lord Kira in the toilet cut him to bits and put his head in a bucket.  They then killed all his staff. The 47 Samurai had only been pretending, or that was the Captain’s story, anyway. They then turned themselves in, pleaded guilty and were sentenced to commit suicide, which they did.

As touchy as Queensland lawyers can be, I am not sure that they would go that far, especially the bit about turning themselves in and pleading guilty.  

All in all, I am a little disappointed.  However, on a positive note, the software vendor gave me free probate software which may come in very handy, in the event that Queensland lawyers change their minds and opt for mass reprisals, after all.
(c) Paul Brennan 2009
* see Reason 49 

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