Legal cartoons and humorous comment (c) Paul Brennan. All rights reserved.

I decided on 101 reasons as I didn’t want to depress the entire legal profession by having 1,001.
Paul Brennan, Lawyer, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

Robots to Replace Young Lawyers by 2030

Despite Moore’s Law, to create a robot that knows everything is far too ambitious. I suggest that they start by replacing sole practitioners and work their way up to young lawyers.

Legal robots (“Law-bots”) would offer solutions to the many problems that have beset clients for millennia. For instance:
1. Law-bots could be programmed to have a sense of humour.
2. Airborne Law-bots called “Drones” could attend the scene of legal arguments to quickly resolve legal disputes. The prospect of more than one Drone turning up, some equipped with armaments, would need to be thought through. 
3. Law-bots could be programmed to always say yes to business deals. There would need to be the necessary adjustment to professional insurance contributions and an increase in Litigation-bots to deal with the fall out.
4. Trial by combat could be reintroduced with 300 lb Law-bots acting as champions. 
5. Judges would delight in a volume dial/stop button for Trial Attorney-bots.
6. Judge-bots could be programmed not to listen without nodding off.
7. Lawyers could offer value by diversifying their product offering. From a superior Rolex-bot with gold trim for expensive disputes to the Home Law-bot dealing with domestic arguments and folded away when not in use, even doubling as a dishwasher.

There would be female F-Law-bots to demonstrate the profession’s commitment to diversity and equal opportunity. However, they would not be programmed to wash up, or collect the dry cleaning to prevent any claims of Bot-Abuse. 

Above all Legalbotics would offer substantial savings e.g. In-house Law-bots would not need five star hotels and share options.

Law-bots are an opportunity for lawyers to relaunch their brand and create a new image which would make legal jokes a thing of the past. 

This is our chance to throw off the glasses, the comb over and release the Dalek, or indeed the R2-D2 within us.

(c) Paul Brennan 2015. All rights reserved. 

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