Legal cartoons and humorous comment (c) Paul Brennan. All rights reserved.

I decided on 101 reasons as I didn’t want to depress the entire legal profession by having 1,001.
Paul Brennan, Lawyer, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

# 94. They can ruin your wedding

Younger sisters as bridesmaids
Legal cartoon, lawyers in love, courting, Paul Brennan

Dear John
I am worried that my younger sister will try to upstage me at my wedding. Legally, how can I stop her?
C.M. Berkshire, UK

Dear CM
Younger sisters can be selfish however, rather than causing family upset by barring her from the wedding, a Deed of Indenture would allow you to stipulate such things as how many times she can bend down to pick up your train and a minimum bridesmaid weight requirement to prevent excessive dieting.  A provision for a weigh-in the night before the wedding can be quite fun.
So too, the Deed can provide appropriate standards for the bridesmaid’s dress and a carefully worded Undergarment Clause can ensure firstly, that underwear is utilized and secondly, that it is sensible such as knee length bloomers and a cotton vest.
Finally, the Deed should grant her a licence to attend the wedding which can be withdrawn if she ignores her legal obligations and she can be deemed to be a trespasser.  As a trespasser, your sister could be removed from the wedding using reasonable force.  In the event of any resistance on the part of your sister, call the police immediately, as if you did not have enough to do.
The removal of your sister from the wedding in handcuffs with appropriate use of the Taser (only if necessary) may be distressing for some of the guests.  However, your restraint in the use of a Deed rather that an outright ban would demonstrate that you at least were prepared to turn the other cheek.
(c) Paul Brennan 2011. All rights reserved.  Extract from John Fytit’s International Legal Problem Page. Now written on this blog

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