Legal cartoons and humorous comment (c) Paul Brennan. All rights reserved.

I decided on 101 reasons as I didn’t want to depress the entire legal profession by having 1,001.
Paul Brennan, Lawyer, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

#21 They don't listen as hard as their client’s would like

Dear John,

My lawyer never really listens to me.

What can I do?

KS, Hong Kong

Dear KS,

If they did teach listening at Law School, I certainly don’t remember it.

In any event, young lawyers have the unique ability to know what a person’s legal problem is before they sit down and therefore, do not need to listen.

It’s true that older lawyers do find listening tiresome. However, except for the occasional client who comes in for a will and ends up divorced, it has worked pretty well over the centuries. Lawyers with extreme hearing problems are, of course, quickly appointed magistrates or judges.

On the positive side, if lawyers took time to listen your legal bills would go up and then where would we be?


Extract from "The International Legal Problem Page" blog where lawyer John Fytit solves your legal problems

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